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Motorfabriken GÖTA
Information & Adress
Would you like to visit us individually or in groups please call us before.
Contact us for more information.
Best Regards
Sten Carlsson
Göta in media
Video about Götas history. (In Swedish)
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Göta Motorer
283 36 OSBY
Tel: +46 479 13610
Fax: +46 479 132 60
History of GÖTA
Götamotorer in Osby are a special company
because it is the only remaining engine factory of the old kind in Sweden,with a history of 107 years
Manufacture and Repair of Göta Motor 5-12 hp.
Spare parts for the elderly Göta and Solo engine
Addresses and contact information.
Open Monday-Friday between
When visiting call before.
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