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of the Year

110 Year of ​

Swedish industry history 

The reason why motor factory Göta, "Göta Motors" ended up in Osby, we can thank the railroad for. There were no trains to Blackstad north of Västervik.

In 1907 Hugo Peterson then took over his company Hagaborg Mechanical Workshop and moved to Osby. There he bought a shop with an associated workshop. Once in place, the name changed to Motorfabriken Göta.


In Osby Hugo began seriously building engines. First out, the ignition engine was Stable. Soon, the outboard engine came to Kurir. The old workshop was soon too small.

Instead, a factory building was constructed with characteristic sawdust. Production was changed. The company began to manufacture inboard and stationary engines.

In the 1930s, the company established exports to Denmark, Iceland, Holland, and Germany. Motors from Göta were also sold on the US market.


The company's founder dies in 1939, while World War II breaks out. The attendance of employees is turned upside down. Access to gasoline stryps and the construction of boat engines stops. The dispenser for Färe Armaturfabrik in Sibbhult comes to rescue.

In the machinery park, he sees the opportunity to reset production and instead of engines manufacturing products for the defense.


After the war, the production of motors 21 / 2-3-4-6-7 horsepower resumed.


During the 1950s, the company developed a two-stroke engine, which could be powered by both petrol and kerosene.


The single-cylinder 5 to 6-horsepower engines and the twin-cylinder 10-12 horsepower became real "box shots". Suitable for snips and sailboats, they fit the glove for an increasing number of pleasure boat owners. The company grew. At most there were 35 people in the payroll. Excepting a few women in the office, it was "the man's workplace".


Increased competition and reduced order intake forced the staff to be pulled down. In the late 1950s, a new owner, Osby pump industry, was formed. To give more business to the company, production increased with new engine models. The solar engine, which unfortunately became short-lived, was one of these.


In the early 1960s, the company sold the property to Osby municipality and moved to premises on Nya Hallarydsvägen. The old factory was demolished and replaced by Hasslarödsskolan. Göta Motorer's current owner, Sten Carlsson, took over 1984. In addition to some new innovations of the 1950s popular two-stroke trailer, older boat engines were renovated. In addition, parts are sold to Göta and Solomotors.

The company is one of Sweden's last two-stroke engines, making it unique in its kind.

Götas Fabrik I osby 1907

Göta Motorers Fabrik i Hasslarödsvägen

i Osby.

Detta var den andra fabriken i ordningen.Byggnaden var byggd 1918.

Götas Fabrik I osby 1907
Götas Fabrik I osby 1907

Anställda på Göta Motorer runt 1930-40 talet.

Götas Fabrik I osby 1907
Götas Fabrik I osby 1907
Götas Fabrik I osby 1907
Götas Fabrik I osby 1907

En av Hugo Peterssons första motorer, en stifttänd tvåtakts fotogenmotor tillverkad i Blackstad  omkring 1908.

Götas Fabrik I osby 1907

Fr.v Gösta Carlsson, Stig Newin, och Herman Rydström diskuterar den nya Färe Götamotorn 1953.

Kolvtoppens rundade form utan s.k näsa, hänger ihop med det nya spolsystemet,kallat omvänd tvärspolning.

Götas Fabrik I osby 1907
Götas Fabrik I osby 1907

Götamotorers nuvarande lokaler på Hallarydsvägen.

Götas Fabrik I osby 1907
Götas Fabrik I osby 1907
Götas Fabrik I osby 1907
Götas Fabrik I osby 1907
Historen om GÖTA


Götamotorer i Osby är ett speciellt företag

eftersom det är den är den enda kvarvarande motorfabriken av det gamla slaget i Sverige.




Tillverkning av Götamotorer 5-12 hk.

Reservdelar till äldre Göta och Solomotorer




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